Petition to UNESCO - Against Discrimination of Macedonian Language
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Rubens Dimanovski MACEDONIAN Gostin |
#51 I am MACEDONIAN from MACEDONIJA2010-11-17 16:20To Ms Bokova and all of you who are misinformed, please read this article and find out more at the other links to this page, just for your "overall well informed being"!!! |
Goran Atanasovski Gostin |
#52 Macedonia, Macedonian, Macedonians!!!2010-11-17 16:33Nobody can erase the name of GOD - Macedonia. The language we speak is Macedonian, and we can be only Macedonians and nothing else!!! |
Maja Gostin |
#54 a name is a name2010-11-17 17:41To change a name of a country for international use is one thing, to change and erase the identity of a whole nation is another. In this democratic society, both things are unacceptable. This is the only name and the only language I know as my native, and no one has the right to take that away from me. |
Judita Rey Hudeček Gostin |
#55 Judita Rey Hudeček2010-11-17 17:44Teško je nekome, tko se tako odnosi prema bilo čijoj kulturi i jeziku i započeti poruku s "poštovani". Tko želi da ga se poštuje mora poštovati i druge. To što se čini makedonskom narodu je sramotno. Svakom tko iole poznaje jezike, a napose makedonski jezik je jasno da postoji i narod i jezik makedonski. I to ne od jučer. Pa čak i da je od jučer odakle nekome pravo da osporava to postijanje. Nacionalnost nije stvar ni genetike ni povjesti, nego vlastitog osjećaja. U povjesti su nacije i nastajale i nestajale. Jezici također. Čak i da neamaju povijest ( a imaju je) stanovnici Makedonije se imaju pravo izjašnjavati Makedoncima, jer se tako osjećaju. A jezik? Bolje rečeno književni jezik? Pa svaki književni jezik je politički dogovor manje ili više stručnih ljudi. Zašto onda ne priznati pravo i Makedoncima da se dogovore oko svog jezika i nazovu ga kako žele? To što se tom narodu radilo i radi kroz povijest je daleko od civilizacijski opravdanog postupka. |
Goran Mitev Gostin |
#56 Macedonian2010-11-17 17:57As we live in Republic of Macedonia and we speak macedonian language , it means we are Macedonians. My point is that we don't deserve to be humiliated the way we are, specially not from an organization as UN is. In the 21st. century, when we need to fight against global worming, all kinds of diseases, hunger,economic collapses, we are put in situation to fight for our basic human rights, our identity, name , language!? Where do you lead this world people? |
Ionela Miteva Gostin |
#57 Shame on all of you!2010-11-17 18:04Its a true shame for all Europe and the world, and all world organizations that let this kind of things to happen in the 21st century. Its a shame that they let that happen only because of the pressure of one country. The reasons are very well-known! Macedonia and Macedonians we are with you! |
Gostin |
#582010-11-17 18:14All of my ancestors are MACEDONIANS , so that makes me MACEDONIAN |
Guest Gostin |
#59 Re: translation Macedonian-English (google translate)2010-11-17 19:16ama prevod!!!! Ve molime, ako sakate nekoj seriozno da ne sfati vo idnina, barem da se prevedi kako so treba, a ne google translate..zaebancija!!!... |
Tony Naumovski Gostin |
#60 ABSURD OF THE NEW AGE2010-11-17 19:25It is ridiculous at this day an age to be still having issues of a sort, in a open world and new age without 'boundaries'. We don't need to love each other but tolerate and accept each other and our differences which are little.If we could only realize how similar we are we'll not be searching for any differences. Every human being is its own island but a perfect human being is many human beings and it is the right for each individual to exercise their freedom just as birds are free to fly and still have room for the others regardless how 'small or big' they are. It is a shame and absurd for the international community to put up with such an oppression that Macedonia and its people have been exposed to for a very long time, while the evidence and truth are obvious and fairly logical of those who reason within a capacity of a human. If you really do believe in freedom and human rights there is your chance to truly exercise it and not be politically correct. |
spaso donev Gostin |
#62 Ппотест до UNESCO2010-11-17 20:26Најенергично протестирам до ,,UNESKO" за не подеднакво почитување на основните човекови права кои се гарантирани за сите подеднакво ,со повелбата на обединетите нации.Никој нема право да го брише името на официјалниот македонски јазик па затоа очекувам за бесправното бришење името на мацедонскиот јазик да се пронајде виновникот и законски да се казни. Само на таков начин ке се врати и потврди довербата за почитување и спроведување на основните човекови права подеднакво за сите земји и народи без разлика на големи и мали народи и држави... |
Vasil Tanev Gostin |
#63 ДЕНОВИ2010-11-17 21:27Како на вратот ѓердани ниски камења студени, така на плешки денови легнале та натежнале. Денови ли се – денови аргатски маки големи! Стани си утре порано дојди си вечер подоцна, наутро радост понеси навечер тага донеси – ај, пуст да е, пуст да би останал живот кучешки! Роди се човек – роб биди роди се човек – скот умри, скотски цел живот работи за други туѓи имоти. За туѓи бели дворови копај си црни гробови! За себе само 'ргај си за себе маки тргај си – нижи си ѓердан денови нижи си алки ковани, нижи си синџир железен околу вратот навезен! КОСТА СОЛЕВ РАЦИН |
#64 ERASING EVERYTHING WHAT IS MACEDONIAN?!2010-11-17 21:53It seems, that it is an organised movement to erase everything which is MACEDONIAN, not only the name of the country and the Macedonian language. Today I have got a little money for translation from a country which is a member of EU. In the place of the name where to send the money, where should be MACEDONIA, they wrote "non EU country". When I asked them what is the reason of this, they told me, that in the list from which they should choose the name of the country,THE NAME OF MACEDONIA DID NOT EXISTED! |
Горан Маневски Gostin |
#65 Macedonian language2010-11-17 22:23We are Macedonians and we are speaking Macedonian language... |
Borce kocev Gostin |
#662010-11-17 22:27Pocituvani gospoda, Ve molam da ja sprecete ovaa tortura vrz mojata zemja koja trae vece so vekovi nanazad. A najnaglasena vo poslednite 20 godini od strana na Grcija. Mojata drzava se vikala i se vika MAKEDONIA, narodot koj zivee vo ovaa prekrasna zemja se MAKEDONCI, i zboruvaat na svojot majcin jazik - Makedonski. Za vasa informacija (iako Vie dobro znaete) nasiot narod MAKEDONSKI se spomnuva vo BIBLIJATA. Pozdrav od Negotino - MAKEDONIJA. |
Toni Ristov Gostin |
#67 Re: Judita Rey Hudeček2010-11-17 22:33#55: Judita Rey Hudeček - Judita Rey Hudeček Iz sveg srca HVALA na izvrsni komentar! |
Janko Tomov Gostin |
#69 Protect Macedonian language2010-11-17 23:01Macedonian immigrants in Australia don't feel that the Macedonian language is being protected. We want it to be protected in European institutions and United Nations. Those institutions are under Greek and Bulgarian influence. They avoid using Macedonian words about language and culture and places. Most Western democratic states recognise Macedonians as from Macedonia, allow us to use our language. They support us physically and spiritually. Some European institutions are still under pressure from other states to not recognise Macedonians. Please act to keep the Macedonian language and people alive. |
Mr. Velice Trajanoski Gostin |
#71 Mr.2010-11-17 23:45Macedonian people and Macedonian Language are among the oldest and still existing. That is the reality whether we like it or not. |
Blagica Jovcheska Gostin |
#722010-11-18 00:05Добар Ден!!! - На македонски - Good Afternoon!!! - на англиски... |
Zan Grozdanovski Gostin |
#73 I'm being discriminated2010-11-18 00:56My right to express my culture freely whereever I go, to promote my identity and name and thereby freely pass on my culture to my children as it was passed on to me, that right is taken away if another name is imposed upon me and I'm forced to accept someone's denial of who I am. I am being discriminated, and world organisations are allowing that, organisations that were founded with the idea of equal rights to all. Organisations that say they are for tolerance, equality and democrasy... I wonder why we Macedonians are different and do not apply basic human rights... Or is it easier to take a bully's side and hope the smaller one will accept his demands not be who we are. That will never happen. WE ARE WHO WE ARE, and that has nothing to do with theories of why, when and how, or theories of teritories, of products... It's time for greece to embrase the truth, Macedonians will not go anywhere, they exist and will continue to exist. |
Radica Bojkovska Gostin |
#74 21st century genocide2010-11-18 01:20All forms of pressure to the Macedonians to give uo their name and the identity equals genocide! |
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