Petition to UNESCO - Against Discrimination of Macedonian Language
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INes Gostin |
#302 makedonija zasekogas2010-11-23 21:07ne sum makedonka, ama ovaa zemja ja sakam kolku i hrvatska, mojata tatkovina. ima i lugje koi ne se makedonci, ama ke se borat so niv za makedonija! :P <3 makedonski jazik <3 |
Momcilo Stojanovski Gostin |
#303 Kompas im treba na izgubenite Grci,da im pokaze kaj im e mestoto.2010-11-23 21:13Bi sakal da izrazam Blagodarnost posebno na Hrvatite i Bosancite koi ne podrzuvaat.Se gleda koi ni se prijateli na Balkanot.A vo isto vreme izrazuvam gnasenje od Grckive gnidi koi uspevaat da remetet i edna peticija,isto kako i sekoe video sto ke go najdete na youtube sto go sodrzi zborot MAKEDONIJA. Isto taka blagodarnost i do dijasporata koja reagirase vednas i se uste reagira.Seto ova e znak deka se slucuva seopsto budenje na Makedonizmot,koj bese zamaglen i zaspan poradi drugi ili tudji ideologii i doktrini.Nie ne sakame tudjo,ne sakame da odzememe nisto nekomu,nam toa ni e dadeno od Boga,i pak ke ni bide dadeno od Boga.Istiot onoj za koj pisuvaat starite MAkedonci vo Egipet na kamenot od rozeta(The demotic script),istoto pismo od artefaktite najdeni kaj Kokino,i brojnite artefakti najdeni vo okolnata na Matka,Skopje,vo vremeto na zetovi,koi nekoi datiraat i pred 4000 godini.Istiot kod protkaen vo oblekata na Hunzite,Kalashite od Pakistan i Afganistan,i narodnite nosii vo Makedonija,i istite obicai do pred polovina vek,koi gi zadrzale od anticko vreme,veruvale vo 12 bogovi,cetiri elementi i vecnoto sonce,simbol koj go imaat sekade vo nivnite zivealista,stolbovi,zidovi,nosii.Toa ne mozea da go smenat i izbrisat nitu Rimjanite,nitu VIzantija,nitu Otomanite,nitu Kralstvoto so Banovini,nitu pak ke uspee Edna Grcija ili sestrata im Bugarija,a niti nivnite prodolzeni ekstrmiteti EU,UN i slicni druzini sto go cekaat Bozin da dojde,ama Bozin gi zafrknal(Sobrala se druzina da ga e*e Bozina).Bozin e Makedonec,ne e lesno da go zafrknat.POsebno ne nekoi na intelektualno nivo tripati ponisko pod nego. Ako i UN prodolzi so vakva valkana politika togas ja gubi smislata,a toa go gledaat i nivnite vrabteni koi minatata nedela bea na strajk,tokmu poradi slicni pricini,deka toa veke ne e toa,togas MAkedonija nema vece za sto da pregovara vo ramkite na ovaa institucija,ami ako Grcite imaat problem ke treba da dojdat na nasa masa i da vidime sto e toa sto gi maci i zasto,i sekoj so svoi fakti i dokazi. A ionaka mislam deka nema za sto da se pegovara,nie ne kupuvame nisto niti prodavame pa da se cenkame za cena,ili nesto za koe nema cena.Sto e nase ke si dojde.Trpenie spasenie izmacen makedonski narode,Sonceto sepak gree najsvetlo vo MAkedonija. |
Momcilo Stojanovski Gostin |
#304 Other countries nationals,I encourage you to stand on the side of the truth2010-11-23 21:25Isto taka sakam da kazam deka ne e mal brojot na poddrzuvaci na MAkedonija i od strana na stranski drzavjani od drugi kontinenti isto taka.Znam za moi prijateli koi se imaat potpisano na peticijava ana go nemaat otkrieno identitetot zasto kaj niv krazba na identiteto e kriminal vo podem,a i ne bi sakale da bidat zloupotrebeni od strana na valkanite Grci. |
Gostin |
#3052010-11-23 21:32Skopians speak Slavo Bulgarian. They are a fake people with no history. They steal Bulgarian and Greek history. |
Bojan Trpevski Gostin |
#306 DON`T YOU F.Y.R.O.M US SAY MACEDONIA2010-11-23 21:36stop using the reference and finally begin to use our constitutional name Republic of Macedonia chosen by 2 million Macedonians in Macedonia and 2 million Macedonians all over the world. this name is also used by 130 countries all over the world in official and billateral communication. stop the discrimination against the Macedonians and Macedonian language and Republic of Macedonia!!!!! ONE NAME ONE NATION ONE COUNTRY MACEDONIA FOREVER!!! UNITED MACEDONIA FOR THE MACEDONIANS FOREVER!!!! |
Gostin |
#3072010-11-23 21:39I study Macedonian in Zagreb and haven't heard about Macedonians stealing somebody's history. As I know, Macedonians exist as a nation since 20th century, no sooner, but it was that populace on that area since 7-8th century, when Slavs came there. So, they are not Greek or Bulgarian or whatever. They are nation who took the name of the region where they live and anyone can't steal it from them because noone has more right to that name than Macedonians. |
Kirco Anastasov Gostin |
#308 Македонија-една и единствена2010-11-23 21:56Macedonia -the one and only. Republic of Macedonia |
Momcilo Stojanovski Gostin |
#309 Re:2010-11-23 22:09#307: - My friend,thank you for the support,but in your studies you can add some proofs from MAcedonia that MAcedonians exist in this region before the fabricated Slavs invasion(It's the Avars,Hunnes,Tatars and Mongols invading),if there was no invasion at all by Slavs.Simply because this thessis is contradictory,such a big population migrating carrying all the belongings,with their families,wifes,children,cattle,and everything,to make war,prevail such big obstacles as the big Danube River etc.and managing to erase everything from such a great civilisation here and install theirs,or just steal the domestic one,I simply don't aggree with you.To study Macedonians you need to come to MAcedonia,or borrow some facts and evidences from it.I don't say nothing bad,I like you try to contribute with MAcedonians,my sympathies to you. There is Facts and archeological artifacts that the language,that this institution influenced by the Greeks is trying to erase it,and show it as not MAcedonian,they testify just the opposite.Messages and frases written in Ancient MAcedonian letters,way before the Greeks,and written in MAcedonian language exactly and 90% sound as todays MAcedonian language.They are all over the place,and there is not a meter square to dig and not find anything Macedonian originally.The areas as Kokino,Matka,Govrlevo,etc,in Macedonia are the proof,as it is the Stone of Rosseta,as well,not too recent ago decyphered by Macedonians Tome Boshevski And Tentov.It is the middle section,written in so called Demotic script,which is authentic MAcedonian,and it clearly makes distinction between Egyptians(Gjupci-Grci) and Macedonians,and their deities to whom is the message dedicated.As well addressing to Bo-go.AS it is known it is slogovo pismo,as it is Glagoljica,which is simplified form of the Venetic,from which derived Aleksanders Koine(A mixture of MAcedonian dialects as coded language just because of the Greeks in his Army)and the Glagolica,from which derived Kirilica.The creators of Glagolica are the Solun Brothers Kiril and Metodi,mother Lav and MArija( clearly not Greek or Bulgarian names),and their students Kliment and Naum Ohridski created Kirilica and named it in honor of their teacher Kiril. For an open mind there is a lot to learn from MAcedonia.
Momcilo Stojanovski Gostin |
#311 Facts that most of the people don't know about MAcedonia,and I hope this will go with the petition2010-11-23 22:38#309: Momcilo Stojanovski - Re:
Just one more thing to add,Macedonia got the name from MAcedonians.Before the Balkan peninsula was named MAcedonia it carried another name.Ematija.Which also explains it that it is the mothers land -Mati,as it is MAkedonija MAKE-Majka,DON(A)-Gospodja,Bozica,IJA-Zemjla.Even the Hellens(Elini) is not Greek.Elini-Ilini,means on Ile,Ile's,that belongs to Ile. ILE is the GOD SUN,in the pagans,barbarian as Greeks called MAcedonians. It is contained in VASILEOS,too VAS-vash,yours ILE-bogot sonce,the God Sun OS-Vladetel,Stozer,Oska,Ruller,AXIS That's why most of the Rullers in Byzantine(The Macedonians in descent) were carrying this NAme. Alkesanders bodyguards and personal guard was HETAIROI-Cheta heroi,The unit of Heroes his piercing force,a deadly attack from the side and back of the enemy giving a death blow by surprise and extraordinary tactics of Filip,which is studied in the most military academies in the armies of all the countries in the world. Greeks claims that all the artifacts are written in Greek is a lie.This KOINE is Aleksanders language that todays modern Greeks learned the last two centuries and just made it official language of Greece in the seventies,the last century.They just inherited something that don't belongs to them,and to hide all tis lies,is launching counter thessis and fabricated history to the world that justifies only one thing-TERRITORY To support this claims they have to kill the MAcedonian identity,and the way to get to it,is to Kill the Language.No Language,no Identity.I guess their plan didn't go too well.There is MACEDONIANS in their way. |
Ljubisa Spasenoski Gostin |
#313 Pettition2010-11-23 22:56Just because we are a small nation, it does not mean that anyone can push us around, especially those who are members of the UN. Every nation has a right to self determination, to call itself as it pleases, to identify by a language, to identify by history.... We are Macedonians, with Macedonian language, Macedonian Tradition and Macedonian History...That's who we are, that's who I am... and nobody can take it away from me...nobody.... |
Aleksandar Lazarevski Gostin |
#314 Makedonija zasekogas!2010-11-23 23:00Nie sme MAKEDONCI i gordi sme na toa! |
Željkica Franjković Gostin |
#315 NEĆE MOĆI!! SRAMITE SE!!2010-11-23 23:06ovo se zove diskriminacija... zar to može postojati u 21. stoljeću? i još k tome od jedne svjetske organizacije... neka ih sve bude sram... Makedonija i svi njeni građani dugi niz godina njeguju svoj jezik i što dobiju zauzvrat... nisam makedonka, no ne mogu da zažmirim na nešto ovakvu, posebno jer volim Makedoniju kao svoju zemlju... |
Ljupcho Chuchukovski Gostin |
#316 le macédonien langue.2010-11-23 23:26Ma langue maternelle est le macédonien et dans l'avenir je veux être. |
Janusz Dobkowski Gostin |
#3172010-11-23 23:30This petition should be translated and presented in other languages as well (at least English). Many people - friends of Macedonia and Macedonians do not speak/read in Macedonian well enough to sign this petition. |
Igor Cvetkovski Gostin |
#318 macedonian language2010-11-23 23:36Macedonia, Macedonian Forever |
nikolce mitevski Gostin |
#321 one name2010-11-23 23:45j m born like Macedonian, j dont choice this name ! |
Filip Makedon Gostin |
#323 Disgraceful behaviour Nato Eu Unesco2010-11-23 23:58Discrimination of this magnitude by world organisations who promote to the contrary is absolutely uncomprehendable. Shame Nato Eu Unesco bloody disgrace. Our countrys name is Macedonia , its people are Macedonian who speak the Macedonian language. Say no to racism, discrimination. |
atanasminov biljana55 Gostin |
#325 makedonec2010-11-24 00:16Koj li e toj sto misle deka moze da mi go smeni identitetot , tolku se smesni so i samite ne se svesni koga turcite ne uspeaa 500 god pa sega li nema sansi |
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