Petition to UNESCO - Against Discrimination of Macedonian Language

Ивица Ѓорѓиевски

/ #411 Petition is good start, we have to continue this way

2010-11-25 12:18

I think this discrimination and aggression on us is carefully planned and implemented for long time as part of their strategy of aggression (cold war).

Our aggressors do not have or believe in democracy human rights and so on, they only use these phrases as illusions in order to not receive resistance of their victims.

Petitions like this are good starting point to push them to show their real intentions and faces publically. But I do not think they will change their strategy only with this.

We have right and duty to defend our self, so we have to continue in this direction more aggressively.

Macedonia Freedom Operation

Ивица Ѓорѓиевски