Petition to UNESCO - Against Discrimination of Macedonian Language

Macedonians and nothing else, always and forever

/ #515 Macedonia, Macedonians, Macedonian language, nothing else always and forever

2017-12-08 21:54

#Normal #world #respect Macedonia, #distinct Macedonian #nation, #language, #history,

about 150 countries, including United States, United Kingdom, Russia, Canada, India, China...
respect these fundamental human rights of existence and self determined, 

so, nobody care for dirty sick brains which don't respect Macedonian country. 

Macedonians of today are DIRECT descendants of the Ancient Macedonians

Ancient Quotes on the Macedonians as Distinct Nation

#Documents of the #Continued #Existence of #Macedonia, #Macedonians as #distinct #nation and #Macedonian #language for a period of over 2500 years MACEDONIA IS ONE AND ONLY MACEDONIAN, ALWAYS AND FOREVER, OUR NAME IS OUR RIGHT, IF YOU THING THAT YOU CAN TELL US HOW TO CALL OUR COUNTRY, THAN AND WE HAVE TO CHOICE YOUR NAME AGAINST YOUR WISH